Welcome To

Crystal Bio

We established Crystal Bio Wastewater Treatment Systems in 2005, assembling a team of specialists in sewage treatment. Our expertise lies in identifying the most suitable organic products to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Should you have any queries regarding wastewater problems, we’re here to assist you. At Crystal Bio Wastewater Treatment Systems, our aim is to offer the optimal solution for sewage waste treatment.

Leveraging Anaerobic Bio-digestion Reactor Technology (ABRT), our advanced wastewater treatment solution undergoes an eight-stage process to transform household sewage water into clear, odorless water.

Normal Septic Tank

Files are attracted to bad odour

Gems breed in solid waste

Pit is fill up with solid waste very quickly

Natural Biomass dies due to use of chemicals and overload

Sewage water to be romvoved by lorry Regular

Huge Maintenance Cost

Bioseptic Tank

No More Odours

No More Files & Mosquitos

Solid Waste is Liquefied

Pit Takes Longer to Fill

No Need to Pump Out Sewage by Tarker Lorry

No Pit Becomes Congested, Stopping Liquids Seeping Away

Clean Liquid Flos Through the Ground without Contaminating the Ground Water

Treated Sewage water can be reused for gardening purpose

Why Crystal

Bio Septic Tanks

Non Filling Tanks

Non Filling Tanks

Say goodbye to clogged or overflowing septic tanks by installing Bio septic tanks and save money spent on sewage tankers to clean up the mess.

100% Eco Friendly

100% Eco Friendly

Quisque placerat vitae lacus ut sceleris queusce luctus odio ac nibh luctus, in porttitor.

Zero Maintenance

Zero Maintenance

Bio Septic tanks are highly durable, Affordable in price and require minimum Maintenance throughout the years.

Numbers Speak For Themselves!

100 %
Satisfied Customers
1000 +
Installation Done
18 +
Years of Experience